A review by some_okie_dude27
Johnny the Walrus by Matt Walsh

Asides from the blatant anti-trans allegory, this story is nonsensical and completely ridiculous. The writing is monotonous and the art is laughable. Walsh seems to be the type of conservative who says a bunch of edgy things in a 'smart' way in order to sound like he's making a good point. He's a poor man's Ben Shapiro, and even more of a grating contrarian.

Take Animal Farm, or Dr. Seuss' work, which this book is clearly riffing from. Even if you don't understand the deeper political points that are being made in those works, you'll still be able to ascertain what they're trying to say with the story. Walsh doesn't even try to do that here, he gets so lost in the message that he doesn't even try to tell a good story. The story is filled with strawman critiques and disingenuous arguments about how transgenderism and internet activism works, and seems more like it's condescending to children, rather than trying to educate them.

What a self-absorbed, self-gratifying piece of crap...much like the author who wrote it.