A review by servemethesky
Unstoppable: Harnessing Science to Change the World by Bill Nye


Oooof. Bill Nye the Science Guy, I had no idea you could be so painfully boring. I thought I should learn more about climate change and that Bill Nye would make it easy to understand and interesting to read about. Nope. I was woefully wrong. I started this book in November 2016 and finished in January 2018, so I think that gives you a sense of how not-fun this was to read.

Bill gets into a lot of technical detail- a surprising amount, really- and gets very preachy about it while he's at it. He basically seems to hate anyone who doesn't think like he does about the problems and potential solutions for climate change. His attitude is very holier-than-thou, and it was not appreciated.

Also, sadly, his jokes just weren't funny. Many of them were cringe-worthy.

I'm not trying to say I loathed this book- it just wasn't my favorite and I don't plan to read more of Bill Nye's books. I guess my lesson learned is that I shouldn't bother trying to read and enjoy nonfiction books about science.