A review by bluebeereads
Open Gates by D.T. Dyllin


*I received a free copy of this book from the amazing Dara for beta reading. Thanks hun!*

So... It's over now... This trilogy is over...


...because everything I'd ever done had been for him... and it always would be... Always.

This is the third and last part of the PJ Stone Gates Trilogy and it has been a hell of a ride. Love, friendship, magic, mystery, dragons, gatekeepers, guardians, seers, speakers and unexpected twists. And this is the last part. It answers all the questions we had, gives us new ones and answers those too. It's a perfect conclusion to a perfect story.
It starts of almost immediately after the last book ended and as usual, it doesn't build slowly. One of the things I love about Dara's writing. I loved everything about this book. I was on the edge of my seat clinging to my eReader when I came to the twists at the end. But when it was over and I 'turned' the last page, I couldn't have wished for a better ending. Awesome Dara!

But then again... love makes us all do stupid things sometimes... even us dragons.

Now the characters. PJ has grown a lot since the start of the first book. She's strong, loving, caring,... but not perfect though. She has her issues and works on them, but it's not always that easy for her. Plus other people tend to expect a lot from her, which makes it even harder. BUT she ends up being a very very KICKASS HEROINE. Oh yeah.
I still loved the other characters from the other books. Jenna, Jeremy, Macon,... And the new characters introduced in this book are also awesome. Except for Lorik. I hate him. And I don't trust Zen either... But I adore Morag! She's awesome.
Now Khol... I have a love/hate relationship with him. I loved him in the beginning, but when I came to a certain part in the book I was angry at him but some chapters later I loved him again, so yeah. I want my own Khol. Like now.

"I don't want you to love me the way you did him. What you shared with Bryn was fleeting, like a shooting star streaking across the sky, hot and bright but gone too soon. I want our love to be like the sun itself."

So Dara, there you have it. This is an awesome book, just as all the other ones you wrote and I can't wait to read more from you. I love you and thank you so much again for giving me a beta copy of this book and all the other things you've done to help me. You're an incredibly talented writer and a great friend.

This review will be up on my blog as soon as the cover is released.