A review by hellhoundharry
Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by Three Initiates


All right, where do I start...
I approached this mostly as a philosophy text. And my bullshit-meter went off when the claim was made that the secrets contained in this book is actually thousands of years old and have been known only to a select few. Like "The Secret".
And of course there are no sources on this, except maybe Hermes Trismegistus (who I am pretty sure is a made-up person to begin with).

But so what, what about the philosophy itself, "As above, so below", "Everything vibrates"?
It had it's interesting theories and thoughts. Some of these are difficult to understand and I may have not been in the right mindspace for this. I might give this book a second chance someday, but for now it wasn't really that mind-blowing.
I have been thinking about reading more about hermeticism, I am waiting for the Corpus Hermeticum to arrive in the mail.
But if this is all there is, then I am just gonna go read something else. :)