A review by truequeenofchaos
The Becoming of Noah Shaw by Michelle Hodkin


Actual rating: 3.5 stars

SPOILERS AHEAD if you have not read The Mara Dyer Trilogy so forewarning!!!

Let me break the plot down for you since Mrs. Hodkin loves to be obscure and mysterious in her synopsis. Basically the entire team that consists of Mara, Noah, Daniel, and Jamie have all moved to New York to live their lives after all the crap that happened to them. But of course nothing can go right for them because after-all, they’re just a pawn in a game, right? Noah realizes that other “Gifted” like them are being killed off and he wants to know why. The team starts searching for answers but they might not like what they find.

As far as the plot goes, I found it highly enjoyable. What I didn’t like, however, is that pretty much nothing happens for the first half of the book. All it contained was a lot of talking, and a few poorly written so-called “sexy scenes”. Hodkin’s writing just felt a lot more immature and rookieish in the beginning. I don’t know why. Maybe she was just struggling to portray things from Noah’s POV. But around the halfway mark, things picked back up and I flew through the book in a couple of hours.

I was so glad to see all of these characters again, but they felt a little different. Noah was still his sarcastically British self, and Mara was still darkly wonderful. But the new characters and even Jamie and Daniel just seemed a little under-developed. They just didn’t seem as complex or thought out as they were in the previous novels, so that was kind of saddening. That being said, I still highly enjoyed the banter between Mara and Noah.

Obviously there’s several issues I had with The Becoming of Noah Shaw. The nothingness of the first half of the book, the lackluster writing, the sex scenes, and the weak characters. But I still really enjoyed it and there were several things that I did love about it! I wish I could tell you what that was, but SPOILERS.

Characters - 14/20
Plot line - 12/16
Originality - 10/16
Writing style - 10/16
Pace - 15/16
Ending - 15/16
3.5/5 stars

Honestly my rating is probably a little bit generous but what can I say? I’m very fond of Noah and Mara and can’t help myself. But I think that The Shaw Confessions as a whole might prove to be disappointing. I hope I’m wrong, but that’s the way things are looking.