A review by eunjung
A Living Remedy by Nicole Chung


wow...what a depressing read LOL

Okay, I am totally 100% the wrong audience for this book. It's about the author's relationship to her (white) parents (PSA in case you didn't know the author is a Korean American adopted by white parents) and the grief of losing your parents (due to lbr how monetized American (US) healthcare is) and well... cancer. Luckily and very fortunately cannot relate on any level of losing your parents. And then the other thing that I was my brain was like we cannot relate at all to this because her parents are hella Christian. I'm an ex-Catholic school girl, I literally have PTSD from how horrific and racist catholic school was. So like any shape or form of overt Christianity gives me the heebie jeebies. Like no thank you, stay the fuck as far away as me as possible (which is pretty impossible considering how fucking Christian the USA is, which is besides the point). Anyways, I think the only thing that saved this book was me was Nicole's writing. If I hadn't read her debut novel AND enjoyed reading it, I honestly don't think I would have picked this up. Also, she cried. But like I've said before never gauge how good a book is on the fact I cried because I cry over everything lol.

TL;DR - you may relate to more if you are affected from the grief of losing family (whether it's chosen, blood, etc. whatever shape or form your family takes) otherwise... idk y'all i'd skip it lol.