A review by wistyallgood
Something True by Kieran Scott


Recently, I met some newborn baby ducklings. They were so cute and yellow and fuzzy and they peeped quietly and they just made me smile and tear up and my heart nearly burst.
(Perhaps my profile picture is indicative of how I feel about ducks.)

Similarly, that's how this book made me feel.

I feel like I've said this every time I've read a Kieran Scott/Kate Brian (at least 45 of them), but here I go again: this woman is brilliant. Her books make me happy. She is possibly my favorite author of all time. So much yes.

Although I read the second book in this trilogy a looooong time ago, the second I started this, it was like no time had past. Which is such an epic thing for an author to accomplish. This characters, this world and story, they all greeted me like old friends would. It felt so right to be reading a book my this talented lady again.

For the content itself, she obviously wrapped up everything perfectly, all while creating characters that I a) want to be friends with or b) want to be more than friends with (hello, Orion.)
The conflict was well done, the writing flowed with humor and some suspense, the character growth was nice, I got hella emotional here and there. In short, I'm just so happy right now.
And to read this right after a not so great book was such a treat.
Keep writing forever and ever, Ms. Scott! I truly love you.