A review by katyjean81
Mexican High by Liza Monroy


This book was an amazing insight into the lives of students at International schools. It was occasionally a touch sensationalist, but I hesitate to say that because anyone who hasn't worked or learned in this environment might think that the drugs, murders, and nightlife described are unrealistic. They are very realistic. I would be interested to hear some reflections on this book from someone who has lived in Mexico City, to see if it is culturally relevant. My guess is, yes. Speaking from the point of view of someone who lived in Sao Paulo for three years teaching these kids, I think the cultural schizophrenia students go through as they shift from country to country is exceptionally well portrayed. And the parent child relationships are spot on. Maids, Nannies and drivers often do most of the work and will do what you want for money. I really enjoyed this book and it made me sentimental for Sao Paulo, particularly that strange feeling you get as you are transitioning between cultures. Of course, the author attended an International School in Mexico for two years, so it should eb this well done.