A review by avereads
And Her Smile Will Untether the Universe by Gwendolyn Kiste


“I’ve found the best things are the ones you keep to yourself. The little truths about the world that everyone else thinks are crazy.”

And Her Smile Will Untether the Universe is a short story collection that I absolutely adored. I loved every single story, but I think my favourite has to be “The Man in the Ambry”, it’s so eerie and engaging. But, some other stand outs are “The Clawfoot Requiem”, “All the Red Apples Have Withered to Gray”, “Skin Like Honey and Lace”, and “By Now, I’ll Probably Be Gone”. I really enjoyed how the stories mostly had female characters and explore their issues too, with stories like “The Tower Princess” really highlighting that. The characters were also really enjoyable, smart, and knew how to take action for their own choices, which in horror can be really refreshing and in turn made the stories relatable in a way. Definitely my favourite collection I’ve read this year and maybe my favourite I’ve read ever. If you’re wondering if this is worth the hype, is definitely is and I can’t wait to read more by Gwendolyn Kiste in the future.