A review by screen_memory
Pierre Guyotat: Revolutions & Aberrations by Stephen Barber


It is incredibly hard to find any secondary literature or any interviews or general information on Guyotat in English, not to mention the difficulty of locating English translations of his two seminal novels. Additionally, once I found out this volume existed, it took some internet sleuthing to find out how to even order the damn thing. At times it can seem that an interest in Guyotat is an interest in some arcane esoterica.

This short volume compiles numerous writings from Stephen Barber on Guyotat and his works from the 1970's and on. An invaluable read for anybody who has become obsessed with the grotesque yet strangely lyrical writing style of Guyotat, or for anybody even remotely interested. Guyotat is a fascinating individual.

Published by Vauxhall & Company who is also responsible for a small reprint of Guyotat's Eden Eden Eden.