A review by donnareadathon2021
The Love List by Elana Johnson


The story
When Bea’s divorce is finalised after 14 months of negotiations, she has a short list of things she wants to do for herself - cut her hair short, take a break at a beach, visit 10 national parks and fly a kite. Her supper club best friends decide to help her with the “love list” and book her a trip to a South Carolina beach house. After a hectic travel day, she stops for a smoothie before checking into her accommodation and meets Grant. He has a rental agency in the town, and is soon smitten with Bea. Things move fast but neither can resist their strong feelings for each other.

My thoughts
I recently read an eARC of the second book in this series, and saw that the first book was available in my library through Libby. This story is an easy read, and with characters in their 40’s, grown up children, older parents and friends that support, this is a very relatable series of stories. If only true love was as easy to find as it is in the stories