A review by imamandaaa
The Heir by Kiera Cass


I didn't hate this read but it felt off. Eadlyn was straight up bratty as shit and it was such a big turn off!! She kind of turned it around later but the entire story felt off since we were forced to care about this new character after spending so much time w America and Maxon. I didn't want to care about a completely new character after those three books which I thought was the end! The boys didn't feel real and was distant. Eadlyn's story felt so rushed and the Selection process felt even more rushed. I didn't like any of the boys and it was hard to root for any of them. The lovey looks and glances between the main couples in the last three books were obnoxious and out of place. I did not like how absent her parents were. Her brothers weren't relevant??? She drinks wine?? She has had many flings?? Why the fuck didn't Lucy and Aspen not have any kids?? Like what was the purpose for that? I felt like it was just cruel to those characters. There's a lot of new characters that just doesnt click. I get the author wanted Eadlyn to be this amazing heroine who is breaking the mold and creating a new future. She's training like how a prince would be trained. But she's still so passive. I felt like she never took charge. She was always sprinkled with compliments and it just kept inflating her ego. I wanted someone honest with her and be real. Her brother did that at one point but I wished it was more obvious. More forward. America and Maxon were kind of shitty parents not gonna lie. They were so in love with each other they neglected their kids! How can Maxon, a kind prince and America, a former Five who has dealt w starvation and see abuse first hand not teach their kids about empathy and kindness and selflessness??

I did enjoy that the country was still in complete ruins even after the castes dissolved but it made Maxon look like an incompiant King. Like he was straight up confused about everything with his people and gave zero advice to Eadlyn to handle boys and rejection! I think Eadlyn was written to be bratty in the beginning and since she had the weight of running a country in the future she was taught to just control. I liked how she figured out she had to open her heart more. I felt that but she was still insufferable in the beginning. It sounds like a promising retelling of a tired troupe about a prince and his story to a story about a princess being able to gain power and finding love on her own terms. I just wish it was more critical. it's still felt very lukewarm. I only enjoyed it because I had hope for a good ending.