A review by hobbitfreddie
Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde: The Selfish Giant/The Star Child by Oscar Wilde


Love fairy tales so of course I enjoyed this. There are two of Oscar Wilde’s fairy tales adapted here. The Selfish Giant and the Starchild. I’ve only read the former before so the Starchild I was comepltey unfamiliar with.

I liked the art. 4.5/5 stars for the art. The art in the selfish giant bothered me cuz the kids were wearing like t shirts and shorts like what time period is this supposed to be. But other than that I liked looking at the art, checked all the boxes for good comic art to me.

I do think the comic was too wordy, something that I’ve noticed happens in comic book adaptions. In a comic I feel like less words and narration is better. It feels more like a picture book than a comic.

I’d say my favorite story is the Starchild like holy shit I need to read the original story. That was fucking crazy.

Selfish giant is a classic, can’t go wrong with it. I think since I already liked the story I like seeing in comic form cuz it’s a pretty faithful adaptation.
It’s hard to review comic adaptations like this. It really comes down to for me if I liked the art and felt it told the story well. It checks those boxes but it wasn’t anything too crazy, it was just a well drawn adaption of these classics.

If you’ve never read these stories or love them I’d reccomend this. It’s pretty short too defiantly worth a read if you like fairy tales.