A review by prationality
The Fallen Blade by Jon Courtenay Grimwood


I had a small amount of trouble truly getting into this book.  I'm not sure if for whatever reason my brain just could not grasp all the different characters, or if there was just too much going on at once for me to follow properly, but I found myself constantly having to refer back to the 'Character List' in the front in order to remember who was who.  Who was beholden to who, who held what position, etc.

There was also the matter that other then Tycho and Guiletta, the characters all seemed to have the same 'voice'.  Its told in third person limited, but there wasn't much to distinguish one viewpoint from another.  They all sort of bled into each other in a confusing manner.

Moving back to the confusion I felt regarding the characters and remembering their various allegiances, some of that stemmed from the fact few of the characters seemed to be truly tied to one faction or the other.  Everyone was running so many agendas and schemes, most of which crossed each other and interfered with each other, it was hard to keep the lines straight.  I eventually resorted to keeping a running list of everyone's actions, but even then it became a long winded chart.

Where Grimwood really shone was in his depiction of Venice and the time period.  Many times I could almost feel the decadence and filth that Grimwood meticulously details of the canals, streets and palaces.  The intrigues of the families and parishes, the various types of people and stations of life, they came alive.  The narrative though doesn't let the reader figure out very much on their own.  A mystery, or secret, is introduced, some clues are strewn about, but almost immediately things become obvious.  There's very little sustained tension.