A review by rays_reads
The Games Gods Play by Abigail Owen


Overall Rating: 3/5

Mid alert. This book was mid. Percy Jackson x Hunger Games where? This book was just.... something... and while there were issues I did enjoy it enough to not DNF it.

The issues I had with the book:
Unlikeable Characters
Weak writing

Let's start with the weak writing. I felt confused pretty much 25% of the way through. I honestly can't remember if there was info dumping in the beginning in the book but I didn't know any characters except Lyra and Hades until the Sky Labor. The fact that the writing was so forgettable until I was a good chunk in the book... I'm surprised I didn't DNF it. The book has a strong premise overall as there were times I did see the similarities to the Hunger Games (in the trails and action ONLY) but it fell so flat that I just got bored and annoyed. Then there's the added element of the cringy dialogue and unlikeable characters... It just made the reading experience worse.

Then there's the characters. Hades? Bland af. I've drank black coffee and even that had more flavor than him. He's so cliche and doesn't do much other than the stereotypical "moody and broody" things that other MMCs do with his personality type. I felt like the author or Lyra were gaslighting me into thinking his ass was interesting.. NO, HE'S NOT.  And then after I found out the plot twist (if you could even call it that) all I could say was "oh good for him... whop dee doo he's a decent person... thank you, next." Like I wasn't impressed with his intentions at all.

Don't even get me started on Lyra... That girl was all bark and no bite to the point where it got embarrassing... EMBARRASSING. She's basically this the entire book: "Boo Hoo I'm unlovable, nobody loves me." Girl STFU. If I had a friend like that we would no longer be friends omfg. Her insecurities were exhausting and your fucking telling me after being on Earth for 23 years... YOUR ASS COULDN'T GO UP TO ZEUS AND ASK WHY YOU WERE CURSED?! Bsffr. Girl can't fight for herself so I honestly shouldn't be surprised.

I won't speak on the romance much. Shit wasn't a slow burn.

Now onto what I liked about the book. The Labors. Once I actually remembered what I was reading I got really into the action. It gave suspense, it gave action, it gave excitement. It's like the only time Lyra was actually fucking THINKING was when she threatened with death. My favorite labor had to be Aphrodite's because it's like we actually get to see some emotional intelligence from Lyra. Artemis' Labor was my second fave.

Next were the side characters, especially Boon. He's probably the only one who's actually weirdly self-actualized. I really liked his budding friendship and almost sibling bond he had going on with Lyra. Hopefully there's more of that in future books but ig we'll see.... There's also Zai, Nika (can't remember how to spell her name), and Samuel which were pretty nice. I'd like them as allies. I feel like they had more characterization than the actual main characters... that's lowkey an issue but for now I'll take it because it's not often a side character takes the main stage in my heart.


Also the ending... ehhh it was bittersweet and it's a good build up for book 2 but eh....

Edit: Also.... I forgot to add but the added Zeus curse was done dirty... I felt like it never truly added anything to the story and if the author wanted the "Annie story" they could've just had her been abandoned... because honestly what purpose did that curse have... 
PLUS IT HAD ALMOST NO RESOLUTION.... your telling me by her "becoming a god" it erases the curse? Bro what a fucking cop out.... useless ass curse... why was it even in the story?

Overall, while there were flaws with the story it was a good read and I'll be continuing the story. The question is... Do I like this book enough to keep the physical copy?