A review by angelsrgorgeous
Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked by Adam Alter


Highly recommended to ALL parents (especially those in the US). There is a reason that basically all major tech executives don't allow their children to interact with screens - they follow the cardinal drug-pushing rule: "Don't get high on your own supply". They know what they're pushing - they don't want their kids to be addicted and limited by the technology that they've scientifically tested to hook the user as it's only goal.

This (in addition to all the social science research coming out to support avoidance of interaction with addictive technologies) is far more than enough to convince me of the importance of emphasizing books and free play, personal face-to-face interactions and legitimate, (non-online) friendships as the ground rock of a successful child's future life. The more I read stuff like this, the more I'm convinced the interactions of children with technology can best be limited to using these platforms and languages as a tool for creation, instead of one for distraction, diversion or boredom-filling.

If you want a good basic list of all the effects your children's interactions with various addictive technologies are having or can be having on your children, read through this. It's a great overview. Choose if the documented consequences are something you want your children exposed to. The current overwhelming prevalence among adults of behavioral addictions (many driven by addictive technologies) is astounding - I want to do my best to help my children avoid the behavioral addictions that 45-60% of all Americans are currently displaying. I want them to have power over their lives, their choices and their time instead of putting them in a position where they hand their power to choose over to carefully calculated addiction logarithms.

This is a quick read that is highly recommended.

Quick disclaimer: if you've read a lot of social science research you'll find plenty of studies you've encountered before here, but there were enough that were new to me to keep my attention and deepen my knowledge.
