A review by stuffandwhatnot
Consort's Glory by Abigail Kelly


Enjoyed this one a lot, with a few minor nitpicks. The world building is great and the characters are fully rounded and likable. Theodore (the new elvish ruler of the Protectorate) has known for 25 years that he has a Consort (soul mate/fated mate) out there, and for the past six months that she is specifically Margot Goode, a powerful Healer witch. His careful plans to meet and woo her in person once his power is solidified go out the window when she is attacked and nearly killed. Margot was raised in witch territory and taught to fear and hide the part of her that isn't witchy. Above all, she was taught to avoid ever being around elves. Now her power is threatening to burn her out well before her time, and she travels outside her homeland in search of a bondmate that can temper her powers and save her life. 

The romance was delightful. Theodore is usually the most dangerous person in any room, but with Margot he's the sweetest squishiest marshmallow ever. Margot is clever, powerful, and extremely fucked up because of who she is and how she was raised. I was a bit disappointed not to see proper justice for all the 'mistakes' made by the adults in her life who should have known better. 

So the world, the characters, and the romance are great, but the plot ultimately left me a bit wanting. Even the resolution to the bombing left me asking 'was that it?'