A review by readerqh
The Talent Code: Greatness isn't born. It's grown by Daniel Coyle


I rated the book through four(4) lenses. First lens, does Daniel Coyle has a clear topic. Yes he does. And it is a very significant topic. The title is the core topic of the book “The Talent Code”. It is very interesting to know our flawed myth about talent.
Does Daniel Coyle articulated every small details with the main topic. You bet he did. Indeed he did it in an excellent way. He will take you a tour of talents, hot bed of talents and the talent farmers from Brazil to South Korea. He will dive you in complex human anatomy and scientific research works and explain you in simple ways. The excellent part is the diversity of his stories. You will find stories of people and places from sports, academy, music and art. What is the writing quality of Daniel Coyle? In two(2) words “Effortless Flow”. His writing is simple, cohesive, articulated, consistent and enchanting enough to keep the reader hooked. The last lens, is Daniel Coyle is a good story teller? Does he make the book a pleasant read? This is the significant reason for me to give a straight 5 star score to Daniel for his ability to tell a story. He is an excellent story teller. If you ask me the question is there any book you want come back again and again to reread? Yes there is one and it is for sure “The Talent Code”. Because it is enchanting and empowering. It will be ungrateful if I don’t spend at least half an hour to write a review that will reflect my gain from this book.
I strongly believe no reader will regret to invest his/her money to purchase this book and time to read this book if the topic aligns their interest.