A review by b00kr3vi3ws
Reverberations: Violence Across Time and Space by Zerrin Özlem Biner, Yael Navaro, Alice von Bieberstein, Seda Altuğ


The book takes off shortly after where Hidden ended. Nathaneal has been taken back to Avena to stand trial as a repercussion of revealing his powers. Meanwhile, Ebony is left with Jordan and Mr.Xavier, a man who claims to be her uncle. Something about Mr.Xavier doesn’t strike her right, yet desperation can lead people to do things that they wouldn’t normally do.

I have to say that while Jordan did not make much impression on me in the first book of the series, I absolutely hated him in this one. He turned out to be such manipulative freak. Doing crazy wrong things in the name of love doesn’t make them right. Ebony developed a bit in this book and while I did not really enjoy her obsession over Nathaneal, she has somewhat evolved from the confused girl that she was in the first book. Nathaneal, so far seems to be the best character in the book even though he does his share of obsessing. I really wish that authors would just move on from having their characters obsess over their looks (or their partner’s looks). The book has been narrated through the voices of Ebony, Nathaneal and Jordan. While this gave us a complete look into the minds of these three characters, I wish the author had included Prince Luca’s (our antagonist) point of view. I would have loved to know what and how he was thinking and it would have added a pleasant change in the flow. The plot of the story was pretty straight forward and predictable. The narration felt a bit better in this book. The book ends with a cliffhanger that made sure that I picked up the next book in the series immediately.

Overall, I think it was an average read that I did not mind reading through one time, but I doubt I will be picking this series up for a second time.