A review by rebeccamoody
The Book of Candle Magic: Candle Spell Secrets to Change Your Life by Madame Pamita


The Book of Candle Magic: Candle Spell Secrets to Change Your Life (Llewellyn Publications, October 2020) is a great resource on candle magic for beginner and intermediate practitioners. Madame Pamita uses clear, accessible language to introduce candle magic and lay a basic foundation for this type of spellwork, including how to set up your space, customize your candles for your purpose, and craft each spell according to your specific (or general) needs. The books covers different types of candles, layouts, and gives a generalized guide to the many augmentary magics that can enhance candlework. It also offers comprehensive appendices and further reading resources practitioners can reference in order to deepen their understanding of these augmentary magics as they relate to candlework. The book itself is also quite lovely, with beautiful illumination on many of the pages and rather attractive cover in purple, silver, and gold. All in all, this is a lovely, practical addition to any magical library.