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A review by kp_hobbitreads
Soul Eater by Lily Mayne


#1 Soul Eater: ★★★★★ | 5 stars

I've put off reading this for ages (even though I'd seen it rec'd plenty of times) because I'm usually not a fan of post-apocalyptic stories - they often times just feel too depressing to me. But, I finally decided to give it a try, and I have never been more happy to be wrong. This was utterly fantastic from start to finish. Lily Mayne manages to balance the desolation and the violence in this world with truly wonderful characters. And, the romance will leaving you swooning.

This story is set 20 years after monsters came in masse through a tear between our world and theirs. It basically caused the collapse of society, and humans are living either in cramped cities along either coast under martial law or out of the wastes alongside all manner of monsters. Danny Sullihan is a young soldier who joined the military after his mother died, and he didn't have many options. He is sent out on a mission as basically cannon fodder as the military attempts to kidnap Wyn the Soul Eater, the most feared monster who seems to appear every three years and rips the souls from humans indiscriminately. But, after their altercation, Danny is the sole survive and Wyn is captured and things only get more complicated from there.

I adore Danny and Wyn as characters, and the way their romance develops. Danny is truly a sunshine character who just wants to see the best in everyone. And, Wyn is grumpy and sarcastic, but also surprisingly loyal to the people he has decided are his. And, while the romance is central to the story, there is a lot going on outside of it. There are military machinations and Wyn and Danny find themselves in a tight spot or two. (Definitely heed the content warnings.) But, while the world is bleak, it never felt overwhelmingly so. Even though lots of bad things happen in the world generally and to our characters specifically, the book still feels hopeful. These characters are still able to carve out a life filled with happiness for themselves, and I love that.

Three Thoughts:
1. The "terrifying monster x the human he would burn the world for" trope will never not do it for me. *chef's kiss*
2. I love Wyn and Edin's friendship. It adds great depth to Wyn's character, and definitely gives me found family vibes.
3. While I generally prefer dual POVs in romance, I think this story being only told from Danny's point of view really worked to its advantage.

This was incredible, and I cannot wait to see what happens next. I am especially hoping that a certain someone gets exactly what he deserves.

content warnings: loss of a parent to cancer (in the recent past), violence, death, gore, captivity, torture, panic attacks, grief, sex (on page), homophobia, homophobic slurs, threats of rape, PTSD