A review by paragraphsandpages
The Fell of Dark by Caleb Roehrig


This book would've been 5 stars if it had not been for the ending and the misrepresented idea I had going into this book (this was kinda sold as a paranormal romance and the only way I can see that being true is if this had been a series (meaning there was more potential romance to come) or had there been more space given to it here).

This story is very much a hardcore vampire book, it's got lore, politics, cult, history, etc. It's got so much more depth than some other vampires I've read, and it's in general really well done here. There're explanations for every aspect of vampire existence and co-existence with humans. By the end, we know how they appeared, the politics and hierarchies that govern them, how they generally interact with humans (with some exceptions), the motivations of different factions of vampires, etc. etc. etc. This world had so much depth and I genuinely enjoyed how well built this world was. I can see more stories taking place in this world easily. I also generally liked the plot itself, the mystery behind it, and I don't have any issues there at all!

I also really liked the characters for the entirety of the book. August/Auggie was a great MC, if a bit too horny at times, and I loved the love interests, August's friends, and the other side characters that they meet along the story. I also loved how queer this story was, and we got some really great m/m AND f/f rep in this book. This lead to a story that was overall fun to read, and I loved the jokes August made, his view of the world, and how he accepted/used/etc. his fate as chosen one.

There's literally no reason for this book to be 4 stars except for how frustrated the ending to the romance storylines left me. Honestly, if I were rating this book based on that alone, I'd give it a 2 or a 3. There was so much constant build-up, slow burn, etc., and it just never really went anywhere? The entire book was also so horny, so it was even weirder then that the romance ended with
Spoilerone LI just being like 'oh the other LI left without a goodbye? yea that's just how he is. he'll be back at some point' followed by him also just... leaving. All that ended up happening was a few first kisses between each other and a scene where both guys drank August's blood at the same time (which, yes, was insanely horny but also was far from a resolution to the romance). They just make a blood oath, save the world while almost dying, and then that's it for them? The romance just somehow is gone after the blood drinking scene and it was so jarring and frustrating.
It's all I can seem to remember when I think back on the book now, my frustration and disappointment.

All in all, I did enjoy this, even if that enjoyment was severely impacted by the ending of the romance. I loved (loved!!) everything else, which honestly makes it even more frustrating to be fair. I'll still be giving other books of Roehrig's a chance, but I'm still always going to think of what this could've been.