A review by gillianw
The Edge of the World by Garrett Leigh


3.5 stars rounded up

While I don't think this is Garrett Leigh's best work, I did mostly enjoy this story. My main complaint is that the relationship between the two MC's didn't wow or overwhelm me with feels, something that this author has been particularly good at in previous books, and I really missed feeling that emotional connection between them. I liked them well-enough individually, I just wasn't certain their relationship was all that strong.

Having said that, I did like the premise. I particularly enjoyed the 'searching your roots' storyline, mostly because I would love to participate in one of those shows that allows you some insight into your ancestors. I also liked that this wasn't a 'rock star romance' and instead, it had one MC headlining an Irish folk band on the cusp of national success.

I'm probably being slightly more generous with my rating then the book technically deserves, but I also think Garrett Leigh was shafted by DSP (as many authors have been) and feel a certain amount of goodwill towards hardworking authors is warranted. So there.