A review by mrsbooknerd
The Cellar by Minette Walters


I have just finished the audiobook of The Cellar. I've never read a book by this author before, though I have heard good things and this book lived up to the reputation.

It was quite a short novel and I wondered whether it would be long enough to sustain the promising premise. It very much did and I found myself listening to it with far more enthusiasm and concentration than I usually do with audiobooks.

It was very character driven and simply plotted but full of layering and development. It progressed at a good pace, though I feel like it did lose focus at times. This didn't diminish the overall pacing.
There was little way that you could like many, if any, of the characters but whatever I did feel it was very real and born from well described incidents and conversations.
At times it did rely on aggressive, gritty and graphic words and descriptions to create tension. I didn't feel that it needed this. The personalities and actions of the characters and the creepy setting was enough to sell the tension without those shocking elements.

I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't a more concrete ending, but overall I enjoyed it.