A review by eamacire
Dirty Devil by Heather Long


Oh man. This book. Here we deal with all the repercussions of Emersyn’s decision to return home, and whoo boy are there repercussions. The guys are a mess, all wanting to go after her and bring her back. Milo is stupid and says if she wanted to go then leave her be. The rest of them absolutely refuse, they WILL get her back. Meanwhile poor Emersyn is in h*ll. Eventually they discover through her friend Lainey that she is in a treatment facility, and a plan is hatched for Freddie to go in as a patient and get her out. Freddie really shines here, I already had a soft spot for him but now I just love him so much more. All the guys are amazing, Liam needs to stop worrying about stealing his brother’s girl and realize Emersyn has room in her heart for all of them. Doc needs to get over himself, I still kinda wanna punch him on her behalf. Milo is thankfully coming around by the end. There’s a lot of heavy subject matter and trauma in this book but it’s very well written and dealt with. I’m absolutely loving this series and can’t wait for more