A review by luftschlosseule
Night Roll by Michael J. DeLuca


trigger warning
drug abuse

It starts when her neighbor asks her if he could borrow her bike to join the Night Roll and never comes back.

We have a young mother, a single mother, who just moved to Detroit and doesn't really know anybody, apart from Virgil, her neighbor who comes to share gossip and keep company - until he doesn't. He never returns from the bike tour, and Aileen tries to gather information which finally makes her go out and make some friends.

I liked this one. We only have a few pages, but there still is a plot, worldbuilding, character developement. I have no idea about the urban myths of Detroit, if there is the story of the Elf, but I might look into it one day. Today, I have too much left to read to venture there.

If you want a short bit of magic in an urban setting, look no further.

I recieved a copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.