A review by claudetteb
Far From True by Linwood Barclay


I truly love this author. Just didn't love this book. War and Peace had fewer characters! Also, if you're going to have a cast of thousands, their names should be different (Duckworth, Duncomb), and their characters should be a bit different (David and Cal are for all intents and purposes the same person, and I kept getting confused as to which one was being discussed). The story is ok, certainly suspenseful, but confusing as all getout because of all the people! And of course, every character needs a backstory. Sigh. To top off my discontent, this is the 2nd of a trilogy, and ends with a cliffhanger. I felt like most of the book was superfluous to the story itself and the main story told here will only be a passing comment in the next book. I truly wish these books were just stand-alone books. I don't understand this fashion of serializing books, and I don't like it. This could have been a good story on its own. The Promise Falls people could feature in subsequent books. Why do this cliff-hanger type of story - just ugh!