A review by civreader
How to Start a Revolution: Young People and the Future of American Politics by Lauren Duca


I know I am not really the intended audience of this book, but I found it interesting and sometimes useful. I think it could have benefited from being longer. Some chapters could have been structured better, and the argument and presentation thereof sometimes seemed contradictory.

“Accessible” and “entertaining” needed to be better explained - I thoroughly disagree that politics needs to be more entertaining. More *interesting* and *accessible*, yes. But “entertaining” is how we got into this mess we’re in. The Hollywood Effect on US (presidential) politics has had a terrible impact, and it’s something the media seems resistant to examining.

The book will serve as a very useful primer for young people (and older) who want to become more engaged in politics. It helps explain certain truths about US politics and its industry (although, this could have been expanded upon and more rigorously examines, IMHO).