A review by mel_reviews_in_a_pinch
Best Man with Benefits by Samanthe Beck


Actual rating is 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Full Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the author, via Goodreads, in exchange for an honest review.

My Thoughts: Romance. It’s one of life’s many tricks. When you don’t have it, you want it. When you have it, you either don’t want it or take it for granted (note: this doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone). And of course going to a wedding stag just puts a spotlight on your single status.

I have read one other book by Samanthe Beck and thoroughly enjoyed it, so I jumped at the chance to review Best Man with Benefits. I am so glad I jumped with no hesitation because I ended up enjoying another one of her books.

The characters were great. The main character, Sophie, is now one of my all-time favorite fictional characters. She was just perfect and 100% relatable. She’s short and insecure (I’m fairly certain everyone can relate to at least one of those). She thinks she’s more awkward than she actually is (guilty). She also has a bad habit of blurting out the wrong thing at the wrong time (guilty, again). Logan was of course dreamy, but I would’ve liked a little more detail on him. Maybe a few more instances from his point of view.

The plot was decent. The storyline wasn’t the most believable, but Best Man with Benefits is a fictional romance (what else do you expect?). I do wish there had been more interaction between Sophie and Logan outside of the bedroom. It also might have been entertaining to see more brother/sister interaction between Sophie and Colt (her older brother). There were a few grammatical/spelling errors, but nothing of consequence and it didn’t detract or distract from the story.

Overall, I really enjoyed Best Man with Benefits. It does have a fair amount of sexual content, so ages 18+ please. Therefore, if you are an adult in the eyes of the law, I would recommend Best Man with Benefits. It’s cute, but in a mature sense.

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