A review by ambrose_7
You've Lost a Lot of Blood by Eric LaRocca


LaRocca can't be compared to anyone else; he's doing things to the genre never done before and I'm very much here for it. This novel reminded me of a classic, with deep meanings behind everything, and intent with every word and symbol. It will never get the recognition of books of old, it's disturbing and horrific and therefore not easily understood by many, and purposely misunderstood by even more. But I think that something like this inspires the reader to do more than look at the words and move on, it's a book that fosters contemplation into the darker parts of life.

I read many reviews of this book on Goodreads because it's a book that sparks violent emotions, good or bad, and I wanted to see what other people thought about it. Many people didn't get it and I was so with them, until the end of the book where I felt like it all came together. I don't know if I'm completely making this up and just want to think I got it, after all, it's more an abstract feeling hard to put into words. But I think it spoke to me of the human condition, about what makes life worth unliving and the justification of evil and horrid things. I got something from it. I don't know if it's what LaRocca wanted me to get, but I got it. (It also had a main character with my name which will probably never happen again)

(ATY #21)