A review by veraann
Eleventh Hour by Catherine Coulter


Okay so there is something about this author and series that keeps me picking up the books even though I continue to give the books just 3 stars.
In this one the mystery started out good, but it got I don't know how to describe it, cheesy and weird? The romance felt a bit forced. The dialogue, well I'm either just getting used to how it is in the series at this point or it's getting slightly better. Sometimes forced, cheesy, and awkward.
I usually have to suspend belief when reading these at how involved some of the characters get in the policing side of the stories. This one though just was a little too unbelievable and characters were to readily accepting.
All that being said, I didn't hate it and I will continue this series. Even with the flaws I still get pulled into the story and enjoy it. Some of the cheesiness even can make it fun.