A review by xavia
Aru Shah and the City of Gold by Roshani Chokshi


Oh man. This book.

I've loved this series since I picked it up, there's just something so human about the characters that I appreciate, and this book takes that human element and cranks it up to 11.

None of these kids are perfect. They make mistakes all the time, and they aren't always the nice perfect heroes everyone expects them to be. But they are also trying so hard to grow and be better and fight for what they believe is right, and I love that. Aru in particular, because we spend so much time in her head, has had some really fantastic growth throughout the series.

This book focuses heavily on family. Blood family, found family, chosen family, and I am here for it. Aru's family is big and messy and there's a lot of secrets and things are not always black and white. But that's family. You don't always get along. Seeing her with Kara, and uncovering their connection was so gratifying. Both of them have only ever wanted families and here they are finding each other. And the reveal at the end? Heart wrenching.

The other thing that gripped me in this book was Aiden and Aru. They have been on such a slow burn that that simmering going on in this book was almost painful. It's been clear to me since the last book that Aiden feels something for Aru, even if she herself can't see it, and so to see him pulling away from her (for whatever reason) and Aru's belief that it's because he finds her repulsive, was so heartbreaking. I just want these two to be happy.

I'm really hoping the last book gives us satisfactory resolutions to these couples. Not just Aru and Aiden, but Rudy and Mini too. (Mini is a precious cinnamon roll and deserves only good things and I know I say this everytime but she is the best and I love her).

Anyway, now that I'm caught up, I can't wait for the next book. And sadly, this time I will have to.