A review by clivemeister
The Burning Page by Genevieve Cogman


I very much enjoyed the first two excursions into the Invisible Library, but this volume didn't measure up for me. Alberich is still the villan, Kai is still the sidekick (with a guest appearence by Vale), and in principle the plotline was good (bad guy wants to overthrow Library, Irene and friends need to visit some exotic worlds to sort it out), but it didn't really zing for me. In particular, I think I found the conclusion a bit too pat, and although Irene's use of the Language to control things is taken as a given, and the way she uses it is smart, it maybe veered a little too close to a magic get-out-of-jail-free tool for me.

Maybe I was just having a bad day, and I'll happily read Volume 4, but for me this was a bit of a dip in the sequence so far.