A review by inscribedinklings
H2LiftShips - Beyond Luna by Bob Freeman


H2LiftShips-Beyond Luna by Bob Freeman

Check out the review on my blog- https://inscribedinklings.wordpress.com/2021/12/29/book-review-h2liftships-beyond-luna-by-bob-freeman/

Beyond Luna was one of a kind sci-fi book /manual/ cyber punk novel all in one package. As I started off the book, it was hard for me to comprehend everything that was happening. But after finishing couple of chapter, it was much easier to read. The book is exactly as described in the blurb. It is manual of sorts about a the future where people are settled all over space, especially on Luna- the moon.

The writing style was eloquent and ponderous. The tone of the book was whacky and earnest. The theme of the book was getting the readers acquainted with this new world and how it functioned. The book was not your typical sci-fi fiction for sure. It mainly focused on explaining how everything worked in Luna. Earth was the Home World and H2LiftShips were the ships that travelled across to get cargo.

Our main characters were in one such H2LiftShips called Luna Cola. Graciela was the Captain, she was a human female. The first mate and navigator was an octopus. The deckhands were Tang, an orangutan and Jack, a dog. Some species such as canines and apes after evolution began conversing with good cognitive skills in this world.

We follow their journey as they trade their goods in different places. In the second half of the book, a new character pops up which livens up the story. Ponos was a miner who got injured. He was now stuck in one place until he healed up. He needed to depend on gig work in order to earn his money.

After this part, the two stories collide in an unexpected way. The ending was shocking and exciting. For me, what worked best in the book was the quirky banter between Tang and Jack. They were polar opposites in so many things and yet they were loyal to each other. I would recommend this book to hardcore sci-fi fans.

- Afreen