A review by bookstoashes
Amber & Dusk by Lyra Selene


3.75 Stars

Considering the ratings, I didn't think I'd really enjoy this book, but I was happily surprised. The writing wasn't incredible, though I found myself reading through this with ease, and wanting to know what was going to happen next. The pacing was well done (to me at least), though the main character Sylvie wasn't the most likeable, but I looked past it as much as possible.
There were a couple things I predicted since they were a little trope-esk (though I don't mind since that's half the YA books out there) but one at the end I didn't expect at all, so it balances out.

The romance...I can see this becoming a love triangle (ughh). I do prefer Sunder, though at first I wasn't the biggest fan since he's an ass, but he's just a lot more interesting than Luca, although I predict the second book will have more of Luca so who knows!!

I'm happy I own this book and find not a lot of people would enjoy it, but I really did. Super excited to continue this series.