A review by jeremy_bearimy
Everything Is Flammable by Gabrielle Bell


An interesting compilation but very uneven for me. I loved some of the comics but some of the others missed the mark for me. Often the ones I didn't enjoy felt like they ended too abruptly. Others just related events that I didn't find very interesting. However, I appreciated the fact that there was a more cohesive narrative flow in this book than the other Bell book I've read (The Voyeurs).

I also appreciate the fact that she is very open about her struggles with depression and has some very poignant descriptions. I particularly enjoyed the heart-wrenching (and very relatable) "I'm Doing Fine" on p. 7 and the more whimsical "Impediments" on p. 15. Those comics reminded me of Hyperbole and Half's amazing webcomics about depression. If you're interested: https://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2013/05/depression-part-two.html