A review by bookbruin
Feisty by Julia Kent


Audiobook Review
Overall 4 stars
Performance 5 stars
Story 3 stars

I really enjoyed Chris and Fiona's story. They had an awesome enemies to lovers vibe throughout the first 2 books and I was happy to finally get their story. They have a bit of emotional baggage to get through thanks to Fiona's long held grudge, but I thought the plot of the book really worked to help see these two in a new light. Chris had much more depth than I previously thought and he had me swooning a time (or ten) with his sweet words and good heart. There are plenty of laughs just like in the previous books and it's always fun to catch up with the previous couples. Mallory and Will had an especially fun scene involving a bear ;) The story seemed to stall a bit once the truth was out in the open, but I liked being able to see the new relationship blossom and also all the shenanigans this group gets into. It's not necessary to read the previous books to enjoy this one, but it will definitely add to all the fun. Erin Mallon has been amazing in every book and her comedic timing continues to shine. She really is the perfect narrator for this series.

I haven't been a fan of Mallory's sister, Hastings, but I'm intrigued to find out what her story is next. Feisty starts off with a serious incident, but the rest is just romcom (sometimes ranchy) fun!