A review by ctorretta
The Truth About Him by M. O'Keefe


I love it when sequels start right where the previous book ended. This one does just that. Reading book one is imperative to understanding what is happening in this relationship and how it developed so quickly. It isn't quite insta-love, and I absolutely hate that trope, but in this case the love that the couple shares is hard earned and worth reading about. Even if it does seem sudden to the readers.

Now... for book two. There is just as much drama in this one as there was in book one! I might say a bit more actually. In book one most of the drama was from the growth of their relationship and the fact that they did not know each other. The drama in this one occurs because of many outside, mostly familial influences.

I loved this just as much as book one though. Although the innocence is gone and there is growth. Innocence was a great allure for the first one, but in this one the two main characters have something to fight for; each other.

That said, the other characters are not going to make life easy on these two. They just started their relationship and already they are being put to the test to how far they will go for each other. Drama normally turns me off of books but it is the drama that feels staged, where the characters are made to do things that you would think would be against their character's reaction. This drama was fabulously dramatic and alluring. Every minute had me glued to the pages and absorbing every word.

There is character growth, and there is some real love here. Insta-love it may be, but with this plot, it is more than just insta-love, it is fabulous.

Hoping there will be a book three!