A review by bibliophile90
Violent Ends by Jessica Hawkins


**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**


"You don't live in the ivory tower anymore. You own it. You're going to learn to rule from it, because that's what it means to be Calavera royalty."

Violent Ends is a great and enjoyable follow-up to Violent Delights. I was looking forward to seeing Natalia grow stronger and be less naive, because that was one of the things I didn't like about her in the first book. Thankfully, she was able to see some of the truths about certain characters. She was strong and independent and didn't just roll over and die after being forced into marrying Cristiano. She had heard rumors about him and thought he was one of the worst guys around. However, not everything is as it seems. It did take her a couple of chapters to open her eyes and see what was really going on. I am glad it didn't take the whole book. I definitely liked her more in this book and want to see how she will grow even further.

"She was hurting but I wouldn't pity her. She'd been bent but not broken, as she'd said. It was necessary in order for her to come back stronger and one day taker her place as my queen."

Cristiano is a great character and I loved getting to know him better. He is such a great anti-hero and has a huge heart. He is definitely book boyfriend material and he really knows how to seduce. I loved seeing Natalia and him grow closer together. There is very strong chemistry between the two, and I think it is time for Natalia to give in to her needs. He is a very patient man and will not give up until he gets what he wants and needs. I enjoyed seeing him in his natural environment and interact with his people. Violent Ends has a cliffhanger ending, but it didn't really bother me that much. However, I am excited to see what will happen in the next book.

"For every door she slammed, I would open another. I'd pursue her. I'd break down that defiance until I found myself in her sweet core. She would cross over into the darkness. And I'd be waiting with open arms."