A review by esztereszterdora
Bitch Doctrine: Essays for Dissenting Adults by Laurie Penny


Patriarchy is the prettiest when it's on fire

Do I have to say more? It's even better than [b:Unspeakable Things: Sex, Lies and Revolution|20613624|Unspeakable Things Sex, Lies and Revolution|Laurie Penny|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1405924555l/20613624._SX50_.jpg|39894983]. Penny is better with short column-like manifesto writing than with longish chapters. The true power of her writing - in my opinion - is that she makes many well-known, every day issue explict and reframes them to show how fucked up the power dynamics of our society are.

Penny's writing is shameless, unapologetic and eye-opening even for some progressives like me. It had some great pieces that made me think and consider new viewpoints. The book touches on many different topic - culture, bodily autonomy, why is feminism so stressing for the ordinary man, power in late capitalism - and keeps a well-thought line of reasoning why it is still crucial to fight for women's rights.

Sometimes I stopped for days or even a week to digest and think about topics - honestly, it was well worth the time I put in it.

My only problem with this book that the ones who should really r e a d and c o n s i d e r the points Penny makes - yes I'm looking at MRAs, incels and asswipes who harass and hate women just because they are women - would never touch it. You know, because it's feminism and being a feminist is gay. This last paragraph is the perfect illustration why we need book like these and activist like Laurie Penny.

I am inspired to be an even bigger and louder feminist. Thank you, Laurie Penny, from the bottom of my heart.