A review by emc425
A Spy in the Struggle by Aya de León


3.5 rounded up to a 4!

This book started with a bang and didn't let up!

I liked this book, there were definitely some parts that fell a little flat for me, but overall I had a lot of fun reading it! I loved the students and their distinct voices, as well as the overall dynamic of the characters within the RBG. Yolanda's character development was also fun to watch. I have to admit I wasn't her biggest fan in the beginning, but I loved watching her grow, and by the end I was rooting for her one hundred percent.

I love how this book showcases healthy, active relationships between women who support and encourage each other, in personal and professional life. It also focuses on a lot of very topical, important issues like racial injustice and sexism.

Without spoiling anything, I will say there was a lot going on in this book, and at times I felt like I was having trouble keeping track of everything in my head and connecting all of the moving parts. That being said, I'm not sure if that's a fault of the book, or just my own silly brain.

Overall I really enjoyed this one and would recommend it to anyone looking for a solid book featuring some important themes and a little romance sprinkled in.