A review by sally1
I've Been Thinking . . .Reflections, Prayers, and Meditations for a Meaningful Life by Maria Shriver


I enjoyed most of the time that I spent with this book. Parts of it were more meaningful and spoke to me more than others, but that's to be expected when it's someone else's reflections on life.
I've always had respect for Maria, so I was happy to be able to read such a personal book written by her. That said, there is one thing that bothered me about it from beginning to end. All of the talk about compassion...becoming more compassionate and loving and caring for others...(that's wonderful!)...is directed only toward humans. Okay, she mentions her son's dog with kindness.
I'm holding out hope for the day when someone like Maria wakes up to realize that the world WILL be a more compassionate place when people make the decision to STOP KILLING. Everything.

The turkey being carved at her Thanksgiving table was tortured and killed by a human whose job it is to wake up every day and go to a slaughterhouse and kill. And people who continue to eat animals perpetuate the killing and the jobs requiring humans to kill. I hold out hope for a world wherein Catholics like Maria and the Pope take that tiny step that they're so close to and denounce the killing of animals for our food. Imagine the peace and compassion that would result.
Dominion must mean compassionate caring if we're to ever live in a peaceful world.
This is what I hold out as my hope for the future. I hope that Maria will be touched by these words and will take that step to bring even more meaning to her already wonderful life, and to the lives of everyone who respects her.