A review by stressedspidergirl
Superman: American Alien by Max Landis


This was fun.
I didn't love the art in every story, I won't lie. Or the way they changed things up either. But I definitely enjoyed certain parts enough that I'm giving this a higher rating. It's not really my personal vision of who Clark Kent is, or Superman in general but I sure did get some good laughs out of the whole deal.

The opening story of Clark finding out he can fly by just having floating panicking things and Martha clinging to him for dear life, and then that little two page spread where you see that someone hit her and Jonathan while they were driving and killed their unborn child and she was on a bunch of medication so Clark is her saving grace was... deeply sad. Even as sweet as it was seeing Jonathan running around with Clark trying to help him learn to fly.

I got a kick out of the whole You ruin Broosh Wayne shirt! thing with Slade, I've seen that series of panels misrepresented so many times on the internet in so many ways and it's always hilarious, but the full context was fun.

I didn't love him learning he had heat vision after getting shot in the face and burning a man's arms off and killing another. And the all of Smallville knowing he's Superman is fine, and makes more sense than not, honestly, but none of them betraying him kinda doesn't track so it makes more sense it's a secret... I don't know. It worked in the story but it was whatever. I liked Pete and their other friend teasing him about using x-ray vision to spy on people through their clothes and Clark being deeply uncomfortable about it because people look weird with their clothes mushing them up.

I did like the Lobo fight mostly because of Martha and Jonathan being so horrified Clark said "ass" on TV. That cracked me up. I felt bad he got hurt so bad he ended up in the hospital in a coma for a while, that was unfortunate. But hey at least he launched Lobo into space and I guess probably didn't kill him. Or shove his bike up his a$$.

There were some good elements. And I'd read it again, and it was worth the time. But for me the individual stories weren't as much fun as little moments within the stories.