A review by kittycat2302
The Story of a New Name by Elena Ferrante


This was a lovely follow up to MY BRILLIANT FRIEND. One thing I love/hate about this saga is that it's written very much like one large book so far. Which means it ends abruptly, and begins abruptly. There isn't a nice segue at all. Which is ok- it definitely keeps me hooked- but it's jarring.

This goes a long way to further developing a lot of characters, and I am deeply appreciating how complex the friendship between Elena & Lila is. This is not a basic friendship; it's shifting, changing, complicated. The two compete, judge each other, have distance, get close again, and carry through with a sense of deep & abiding intertwined-ness. It's not often that readers get such an experience and such a complex portrayal of female friendship.

I look forward to continuing the story with THOSE WHO LEAVE AND THOSE WHO STAY soon.