A review by cupofbooksreviews
The Billionaire Needs a Bodyguard by Ravina Hilliard


I have received this book in exchange for an honest review. I have given The Billionaire Needs A Bodyguard by Ravina Hilliard three out of five stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️

One steamy hot mess of a book which grabbed my attention almost immediately! Over the past couple of years, I’ve been checking out more adult romance books and really enjoy them, especially due to the passionate and steamy sex scenes which normally follow. This book was no exception and gave me all that I wanted within an adult romance novel.

This story follows two characters, Lex Granger and Michael Thornton. Lex is an undercover bodyguards for billionaire businessman. I thought she was quite an interesting character, although she gave in quite easily at times to Michael which made me thought she was desperate at times. However, I’ve concluded that the main reason why she acted this way sometimes is because she fell in love with Michael almost instantly and simply couldn’t help herself. Michael Thornton was also an interesting character, a man who could have anyone and everyone. A smart, intelligent billionaire who falls for an “escort”. He didn’t treat Lex well at times, the main reason being that he thought she was a gold-digging con-artist, not that that’s an excuse to treat someone badly, however I loved seeing his delicate and mushy side towards Lex.

I enjoyed Hilliard’s writing style, it flowed well and I liked her use of descriptive writing. Hilliard expressed a lot of emotion on paper between Lex and Michael and showed their strengths and weaknesses in great detail. Very engaging, however I did find some grammatical and spelling errors which threw me off at times but the writing quickly drew me back into the story.

An interesting concept which overall I enjoyed, there were times where I thought the plot wasn’t very believable. For example, the fact that Lex allows Michael to treat her like rubbish although she’s supposed to be this strong badass who is protecting him from death threats made me question her character at times, especially with thinking that she’s not cut out to do this job if she’s a bit of a push over.

I thought that the ending was quite rushed and would’ve loved for the events that took place near to the end to have lengthened out a little so it didn’t feel like everything was happening all too fast. This book has its flaws, but don’t we all? Besides that point, I really enjoyed this story and learning about these two characters on their love adventure.