A review by michalice
Links by Lisa Becker


Although I have heard of the author Lisa Becker, I had yet to read any of her book so when an email landed in my inbox asking if I would be interested in reading and reviewing her latest book I took a chance and said yes. The idea of the story is what initially drew me in, being able to meet an old classmate and be completely different than you were sounds like a dream come true, being able to show how far you have come despite their teasing.

We start Links with Charlotte as she starts a tutoring session with the twins, Garrett and Macus, she sees and hears about what they are up to and the plans Garrett has with his girl of choice. We then jump into the present day, with Charlotte unrecognisable to Garrett, and what follows is a slow friendship the grows between them, as they talk about their past as well as their current situations and learn about each other again.

I really enjoyed reading Links, I loved getting to see how this duo knew each other, and how that affected their lives growing up, especially Charlotte. Seeing how far she has come, and is now a popular author is really inspiring, seeing that she never let it bring her down and how she followed her calling. Garrett was someone who I thought was arrogant, selfish, and a complete player, someone who I never pictured Charlotte to like. I liked seeing this duo reconnect and how they took things slow, getting to know each other as they are now, flaws and all, and really building a great friendship.

The flow of the story felt real and not rushed, which makes this relationship feel more realistic. The character within the pages of Links are unique with their own personalities that make them stand out from each other. Although it took me a few days to read Links, when time allowed I read as much as possible, squeezing in pages whilst cooking and cleaning.

Final Verdict
Links is a relatively quick and light read. I loved some of the comedic moments, and the t-shirts that Charlotte wears with quirky sayings. If there was a sequel or spin off to this book I would not hesitate to read it.