A review by cholton427
Mothballs by Sole Otero


This book was a treat that I didn't know I had at first. I initially started the book months ago and didn't connect with it at all and put it down and forgot about it. When I picked it back up, I had no recollection of what I read or what the plot was meant to be. So I started fresh, going in blind, and really loved what I found. 

This story is about the family stories that drip down the generations and seep into the people who only know bits and pieces of a life but hold it as they continue on their life. As someone who has inherited a home that is seeped with memories, both good and bad, this book really struck me. I think it does a great job of mixing the physical and spiritual bits that are left behind from a life. I really liked the art style too. It was very interactive and somehow both awkward and soft. 
I would recommend this book to folks who want to remember, even if there is pain in that act. 

Thank you NetGalley and Fantagraphics Books for the ARC.