A review by casseyt
The Secret Heir by Siobhan Davis


Thanks goodness the world building, and base character work is done...because this is why I'm a fan of Siobhan Davis' fantasy work.

In this book of the series we learn more about Tori and the guys..their relationship and what is coming in terms of the prophecy. We go to space, there's some kicking ass and steamy moments. I love the way in which everyone is settling into the relationship, and starting to work on how to have it work for all of them.

The hints of trouble to come, hit in unexpected ways. My only grip is this Tori/Alinthia thing - she's been Tori her whole life, so I'm not sure why she would go with the change at all. That said if the guys could do so, then so could she.

Also, Team Dane ftw!

*I'm a lucky fish and on the author's ARC team.*