A review by corrie
Of White Snakes & Misshaped Owls by Debra Hyde


Of White Snakes & Misshaped Owls (Charlotte Olmes Mystery #1) by Debra Hyde gives us a lot compared to its small size. This historical fiction is told from the pov of Joanna Wilson, the companion of the eccentric detective Charlotte Olmes (yes, she is the American female version of Sherlock Holmes). They operate in nineteenth-century New York, rife with corruption and gang violence. Our murder-mystery is situated in Chinatown and the author does a great job delving into that unknown world.

With the help of their butler, Mr. East, Charlotte (often in male drag) and Joanna visit the rough and dangerous places at night to get to the truth. In their free time (and in the privacy of their home), the ladies blow off steam by engaging in some intense bdsm slap and tickle (more slap than tickle).

The writing was good with colorful, vivid scenes. The sex (always a bit of a bonus in a historical) was often on the rough side with both ladies switching between dominant and submissive according to their moods, but satisfying. The mystery is not incredibly complicated due to the size of the novel but still pretty intruiging. I would have loved some back story on both mains, but it seems we will get all of that good stuff in the next book. I already got it waiting on my Kindle.

f/f explicit sexy times with a lot of spanking, caning, strap-on sex.

Themes: New York, 1880, female sleuthing, Chinatown, The Bowery, gang wars, opium dens, corruption, the seedy underbelly of New York, a visit to the morgue, on the down-low, the ladies like it rough, the attitude towards ‘celestials’, a very enjoyable read.

4 Stars