A review by courtnoodles
Something Like Gravity by Amber Smith


things i liked
- a writing style i can vibe with, after two books in a row of shit
- the awkward naturalness of the whole thing
- it's not deep love, or long love, but it means something, and that's important
Spoilerthat sex scene left me breathless

- chris is kinda boyfriend goals

things i didn't like
- maia's character was inconsistent and grating. i felt like there was going to be some big reveal about the real reason why maia was running around town with her dead sister's camera. something deeper than just trying to feel closer to her. but there was nothing.
- so, on a related note, this culminates into
Spoilerchris and maia's breakup
which to me, didn't feel as serious or high stakes.
Spoileri get chris feeling betrayed that maia lied, or even just didn't tell him the whole truth, but to have a screaming match and a hyperventilating, tears streaming down your face breakdown about it seemed a little dramatic.
does that mean i've already grown past that teenage mentality? at 25? damn. does that mean i'm too old for ya now? hope not.
- and on top of that, i feel like there were details that were just mentioned and set up to be big plot points and then, never acknowledged again?
Spoilerlike, when neil told chris that maia burned all of mallory's photos. i mean, was that a lie? i feel like it was. but then if it was, why would neil lie about something like that? just to sabotage maia and ruin her life? why does he hate her so much? am i missing something? am i dumb?

- i obviously can't speak for this, but i've seen some reviews that the trans rep here is harmful and inaccurate. do with that what you will.

my library categorizes this as a cozy read, and yes, i agree, this was very cozy.